Live the experience of learning Biotechnology

The Institute of Sustainable Biotechnology is a non-profit entity dedicated to prompting and educating the general public in the area of Biotechnology.


In our laboratories, our dedicated team is passionately driving several research projects that seek solutions to pressing questions that directly impact human life's quality. Through the generous funding support we've received from various local and federal agencies, our talented students have embarked on their journey of scientific exploration by conducting research and establishing cutting-edge protocols that contribute to a broader understanding of the field.

Institute of Sustainable Biotechnology

Upcoming Events

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Academic Offers and Workshops

Undergraduate degrees

Graduate degrees

Our Researchers

Alok Arun, Ph.D.

Alok Arun, Ph.D.

Arlin Alvarado Hernandez, Ph.D.

Arlin Alvarado Hernandez, Ph.D.

Michelle Cartagena Rivera, Ph.D.

Michelle Cartagena Rivera, Ph.D.

Ramón E. Rivera-Vicéns, M.Sc.

Ramón E. Rivera-Vicéns, M.Sc.

María M. Meléndez Ortega, M.Sc.

María M. Meléndez Ortega, M.Sc.

Juan A. Negrón Berríos, Ph.D.

Juan A. Negrón Berríos, Ph.D.

Angel Núñez Marrero, Ph.D.

Angel Núñez Marrero, Ph.D.

Meet our Personnel

Institute of Sustainable Biotechnology

The United States Department of Education

 National Science Foundation

United States Department of Agriculture 

Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, Barranquitas Campus